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Ilustrações fofas mostram o amor cotidiano na relação de pai e filha

Até dá para lembrar da infância

Por Luciana Teixeira (colaboradora)
Atualizado em 12 abr 2024, 10h03 - Publicado em 6 abr 2016, 12h37

A gente sabe que nem todas foram a “menininha do papai”. Mas essa conta do Instagram tem mostrado ilustrações bem lindas sobre a participação do pai na vida e criação da sua filha – fazendo a gente lembrar um pouquinho da infância também heart

Por exemplo quando a gente via o mundo de cima, nos ombros do nosso pai que parecia um gigante

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• walking high above the world• #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #spiritual #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitive

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Ou quando dava medo de dormir e ele topava ficar do nosso lado, para garantir que nada de ruim ia acontecer

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• sleep, my little one. i am here • under-the-bed monsters no pasaran! #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #spiritual #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitive

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Pais superpoderosos podem fazer chover, se a gente quiser

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• taking washing day seriously • #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #beard #fantasy #boho #cute #father #spiritual #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitive

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Leia também -> Amar é… lindas ilustrações são declaração de amor de marido para mulher

E não importa que ele fosse bem maior que a gente: se quiséssemos nos espalhar na cama, podia sim!

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• bed. king size • when kiddo comes to sleep by me, that's how it looks and feels like 🙈😊 . #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #spiritual #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitive

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Mesmo quando ele estava trabalhando muito, sempre tinha um tempinho para nos dar atenção

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• tea time, dada • no matter how busy i am, i can always enjoy a nice cup of magical rainbow tea ☕️🌈 . #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #spiritual #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitive

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E o colo mais quentinho e macio e grandão!

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• afternoon nap • #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #spiritual #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitive

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Veja também -> Marido ilustra a vida em casal por 365 dias e resultado é muito amor

Teatrinho com bonecos? Claro que sim! Com as melhores histórias

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• she loves puppet theater • #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #spiritual #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitive

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E quando a luz acabava, nada de medo: era a hora de brincar de fazer sombras na parede, com lanterna ou à luz de velas

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• big moose. little moose • innocence is such a dear, fragile and powerful gift a soul has since rebirth. it's so easy to loose, it seems impossible to regain. protect it – in your soul but, before all, in a child's soul. 🙏🏻 . #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #spiritual #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitive

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Leia mais -> Ilustradora mostra o lado mais doce da rotina de um casal

Paaaaaaaaai, vamos brincar de boneca? Fazer maquiagem? Rodar bambolê?

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• hoola hoop • i told her it wouldn't work…😅 she said: "papa, please!" little bug is still giggling! #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #fitness #kawai #fantasy #boho #cute #father #spiritual #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitive

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E não era impressionante como eles sabiam (e nos ensinaram) de um tudo?

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• hm… • . #bysoosh #illustrator #illustration #topcreator #drawing #sketch #sketching #sketcheveryday #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolordrawing #big #papa #fantasy #boho #cute #father #spiritual #inspiring_watercolors #love #art_we_inspire #inspiration #daddysgirl #kids #children #dibujo #art #artwork #365 #primitive

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