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Esses pets amam ficar juntinhos e as fotos são a coisa mais linda

Watson, Kiko e Harry são as coisinhas mais fofas que você verá hoje!

Por Júlia Warken
Atualizado em 17 jan 2020, 11h33 - Publicado em 10 dez 2017, 09h00
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Os golden retrievers Watson e Kiko e o gato Harry são muito BFFs e vivem juntinhos. Aí é lógico que a dona deles passa horas fotografando o trio e postando no Instagram. 

Watson e Kiko têm um perfil que já soma quase 300 mil seguidores e não é difícil entender o motivo de tanto sucesso. Os dois até ~posaram~ para um calendário que reuniu pets famosos nas redes sociais. Chiquérrimos!

Mas as nossas fotos favoritas, sem dúvida, são as em que o felino Harry aparece junto com a dupla. Impossível resistir a tanta fofura. Esses pets amam ficar juntinhos e as fotos são a coisa mais linda

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Not two but three adventure fur-balls ᨏ

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Taking seriously the say " Hakuna Matata" ☾

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Dreaming ➳☽

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A calm winter day watching the snow fall from their window while they all warm up each other with their cozy fur. Watson, Kiko and Harry’s bonding moments.

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Us this weekend, home in bed and super bored. As some of you may know Kiko had surgery and have been confined to bed for the next two months. Which poor Watson is wondering why he has to be punished for his brother's silliness? Kiko have been getting all kinds of extra love, extra attention and being spoiled with very delicious food. I'm worried Watson might be planning on jumping out of the car window just to get all this attention for himself (bad joke). We are all putting a lot of time and effort for a fast recovery on Kiko. Hoping that we all be able to enjoy the rest of the summer and make some fun memories therefore we don't have the accident as the only memory for this summer. Harry on the other hand doesn't mind a bit to have everyone in bed cuddling and sleeping. After all he is a lazy cat and loves long naps. Kiko and Watson are anxiously waiting to go camping, hiking, swimming.

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And before the day is over, Happy #NationalSiblingDay – Siblings can be frustrating sometimes but we love them anyway 😉

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Getting through Monday can be rough. But we made it through and that's what it counts 😉

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Bubble bath's with little Harry!

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