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Aos 42 anos, vem ver como está a atriz de ‘Punky’

Soleil Moon Frye atualmente é casada com produtor de TV e mãe de quatro filhos

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Atualizado em 18 fev 2020, 07h52 - Publicado em 5 jun 2019, 17h13
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Soleil Moon Frye anunciou recentemente, em seu Twitter, que “Punky, a levada da breca” voltará à TV com uma sequência, estrelada e produzida por ela. A série foi ao ar, originalmente, em 1984, quando Frye tinha apenas 8 anos. Hoje, ela está com 42 anos e é mãe de quatro filhos.

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I shed some tears this morning. I felt the feels of being a mommy trying to give my babies everything I can. The feels of being an artist trying to stay true to my art, I looked in the mirror reflecting on who I am. The girl I once was and the women I have become. The feels of being a friend, a daughter, wife, and mother, a warrior, a fighter, a leader, and a flawed human being. Then I decided to put everything on hold and take my two year old for a swim. I snapped this photo and off we went to live in the now, the moment, the happy feels. What a journey life is. This wonderful, messy, beautiful dance. Xx

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Em sua conta no Instagram, a atriz compartilha diversos momentos divertidos em família. Ela se casou com o ator e produtor de TV Jason Goldberg. A primeira filha do casal é Poet Sienna Rose, de 13 anos, seguida por Jagger Joseph Blue, 11, Lyric Sonny Roads, 5, e Story, 3.

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So much love for this tribe. Happy day of love, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and always ❤️

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“Muito amor por essa tribo. Feliz dia do amor, ontem, hoje, amanhã e sempre”, escreveu ela na legenda da foto.

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A semelhança entre uma de suas filhas, Jagger, com Frye também impressiona os fãs e a criança parece ter herdado o dom artístico dos pais. Em uma publicação, a atriz compartilhou um belo texto que a filha escreveu sobre si mesma: “Eu sou bonita do meu jeito, mesmo que você não consiga ver. Porque a beleza não vem apenas de fora, e por dentro eu sou a flor mais bonita que existe”.

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My incredibly beautiful inside and out daughter wrote this. It broke my heart and yet I was so grateful that she finds ways to express herself. Have tried so hard to raise kids that love themselves and know that they are enough. The world around them can be tough and no matter how hard we try to keep them protected from pain some days really hurt. I asked her if I could share this and she said yes. So here it is. I love you my sweet Jagger 🌻 Why am I not good enough I stand here wondering how I can change She’s a rose and I’m the sunflower And somehow I don’t get it Maybe if I blossomed you’d love me Maybe then you would choose me I get, I’m not the most popular flower But everyone knows the sun flower is different, Im beautiful in my own ways, even if you can’t see it now Because beauty doesn’t just come from the outside, and inside I’m the most beautiful flower there is.

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Confira, abaixo, mais fotos de Soleil e sua família:

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From the time I was little I always said I wanted a hundred babies. My mom told me to be a doctor, or a teacher, she encouraged me to work with children. It was my dream to have a big family and I am so truly grateful for these little ones. It has been such an incredible journey, an oftentimes bumpy ride. It is full of tears and skinned knees, laughter and love. To all of the mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, single moms and dads, extended families raising children, to the friends that don’t have children but lend a mothering hands to mine and others, Happy Mothers Day weekend to all! It has taken a village and I am so very grateful for the love support.

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My birthday boy!!!! I love you madly my sweets. May all of your dreams and wishes come true. 💙 Thanks uncle @meeno_the_man for the awesome pic

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Had so much fun celebrating my birthday week. Grateful for my incredible family & friends who gave me so much love. Check out some of the fun celebration in my link. Thanks @people & @nutrisystem for celebrating with me. #nutrisystemambassador

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22 years and 4 kids. Thanks for being our pillar of strength, picking us up when we fall and keeping us laughing every step of the way. We love you Jason. 🖤

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Confira os assuntos que bombaram na semana:

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