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#SaggyBoobsMatter: hashtag motiva mulheres a aceitarem seus seios flácidos

A inglesa Chidera Eggerue cansou de se sentir desconfortável com o seu corpo e decidiu usar o Instagram para empoderar outras mulheres. You go, girl!

Por Alice Arnoldi
Atualizado em 16 jan 2020, 10h30 - Publicado em 14 ago 2018, 18h34
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Quem disse que apenas mulheres com seios pequenos podem apostar nos grandes decotes e posar para uma foto sem sutiã? Foi com todo esse empoderamento que a blogueira e escritora inglesa Chidera Eggerue, autora do livro “What A Time To Be Alone”, criou a hashtag #SaggyBoobsMatter – “Seios Flácidos Importam”, em tradução livre -, no seu Instagram.

Uma das postagens mais famosas do seu perfil é sobre o assunto. Com mais de 28 mil curtidas, Chidera compartilhou uma foto sua sorrindo, enquanto vestindo uma blusa decotada e segurava uma plaquinha escrita: “Minha motivação vem de dentro e não dos outros”. Na legenda, ela aproveitou para dar continuação à mensagem de amor próprio da imagem: “Eu me recuso a esconder os meus seios porque eu mereço sentir alegria quando eu me olho no espelho. O verão receberá todo peitinho que eu quiser dar”.

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I refuse to ‘hide’ my chest because I deserve to feel joy when I look at myself. Summer will get whatever titties I give it. Super happy to be involved in this awesome @womenshealthuk campaign! #InShapeMyShape

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Em um vídeo ao HuffPost UK, a blogueira contou que aos 19 anos cansou do sentimento de não gostar de si e de se preocupar tanto com o modo que ela se parece. Com isso, ela decidiu não usar mais sutiã, o que fez com que muitos julgassem a sua atitude. “As pessoas ficavam: ‘Ah meu Deus, eu consigo ver os seus mamilos’, ‘Ah meu Deus, seus seios são muito flácidos’, ‘Você só pode deixar de usar sutiã se você tiver seios pequenos'”, comentou.

Ao ouvir esses comentários maldosos, Chidera decidiu que a sua missão seria fazer com que outras mulheres, em situações semelhantes a sua, se sentissem confortáveis com os seus corpos e o mais importante: orgulhosas deles. Dessa forma, a hashtag #SaggyBoobsMatter foi criada e muitas pessoas abraçaram a causa de empoderamento no Instagram.

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No fim do vídeo, a escritora aproveitou os últimos segundos para dar uma resposta a altura para os palpites inconvenientes que ouviu sobre o assunto. “Para aqueles que disseram ‘Oh meu Deus, estou vendo seus mamilos’, primeiramente, vocês deveriam se sentir gratos por poderem ver os meus seios. E, segundamente, você não pode me dizer como eu devo ser. Desde que o meu corpo não esteja de modo algum prejudicando você, você tem todo o direito de virar as costas e cuidar da sua vida como todo mundo faz”, afirmou.

Confira algumas postagens de pessoas que curtiram a ideia e entraram no movimento:

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Slaying my own life at the moment if I’m perfectly honest 🌶 leotard by the fucking incredible @partycatclothing 🖤 📸 by @hanieldutchison

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“😂😂😂 saggy tits” _ I woke up to this comment being made on this photo that I posted to my Instagram by some *boy*, not even going to call him a man. _ Ya know… there was once a time where a remark like this would have really set me off. _ There was also a time when I refused to be seen out of the house without my push up bra so my breasts could appear perky as can be, with a low cut top, displaying my girls for all to see. _ I was convinced that the way my girls naturally hung was disgusting, and I was convinced that was the case because all I ever saw on TV, in magazines or in my once beloved Victoria’s Secret catalog was perky breasts, round voluptuous boobs that looked like they were perfectly on display- you know, those Victoria Secret breasts. _ My breasts had to be abnormal. _ So I sought out all the $40+ bras at Victoria’s Secret, with their barbaric wires that would come unhinged and cut into my side. With their tight bands that would make my diaphragm hurt at the end of the day, or that would make me feel insecure due to the way it’d give me that weird back fat bulge. _ I haven’t worn an actual real bra in over 3-4 years. _ I’ve saved countless dollars. _ My confidence has improved. _ My breast health has improved. _ My overall health has improved since I’m no longer cutting off a major lymphatic duct that sits very conveniently to where an underwire would dig into. _ I don’t care if to the rest of the world my tits sag, because ya know what, it’s fucking natural and I’m tired of trying to fight nature and hide my real identity to help perpetuate bullshit facades. _ Ladies.. it is natural for your breasts to not look like they’re two well placed melons on your chest, and that’s absolutely okay… and if a guy doesn’t like you because your chest doesn’t look perky AF, that superficial twat is not your guy, move on. _ Love yourself, love your breasts. _ I have a blog post I did that I’ll share in my bio, which shares a variety of untouched, natural breasts so you can see that your breasts are normal.💙 #teamnobra #freethenipplemovement #freethenipple #boobjob #saggyboobsmatter #fibrocysticbreastdisease #breasthealth #loveyourbreasts #selflove

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Babes! Guess what I’ve done this year?! I’ve tried WIRE-LESS swimwear! This has always been a struggle for me, my tits don’t sit right under my chin and I’ve totally been brainwashed by society for most of my life. Thinking that perky tits are the only tits. Well that’s just NOT TRUE! #saggyboobsmatter Read more about it on my blog! 👙: @simplybeusa 🕶: @eloquii . . . #makeyourownsparkle #effyourbeautystandards #goldenconfidence #skorchstyle #teamself #purebodylove #plusstyle #visiblyplussize #visiblebellyoutline #vbo #whatfatgirlsreallywear #fatgirlscan #fatfashion #swimwear2018 #plussizeswimwear #capitalregion #albanyny #upstatenewyork #xoq

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This weekend was so great ✨ Hope everyone enjoyed it🌸 Remember you are BEAUTIFUL💕

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I was gonna post some arrogant caption about how fly I am 💁🏽‍♀️✨ And although it’s true lol my journey to self love is bigger than me. So this ones for all my girls avoiding the beach because you’re insecure about your body ✨ Listen to me, get out there and LIVE! Don’t let what you see in the mirror cause you to miss out on life. Summer gone get these thighs, these stretch marks, these real breasts, and everything else! Y’all hear me? 😘 LOVE YOUR BODIES. Whether you wanna change things about it or not. Be kind to yourself + trust the process of becoming your best self! Photo cred : My Momma 🔥 #meanttobeyasmine #transparentblackgirl #curvycurlyconscious #plussizeswimwear #plusesizeblogger #curvyblogger #becauseitsmybody #goldenconfidence #beautybeyondsize #saggyboobsmatter #forever21plus #blackgirlmagic #blackswhoblog #blackgirlswhoblog

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Headed to the water park! #bodypositive #fatandfabulous #fatandfree #fatbabe #plussize #fatvanity #saggyboobsmatter #infinifat #bigandblunt #effyourbeautystandards #bbw #ssbbw #goldenconfidence #wewearwhatwewant #fatgirlflowfam #selflove #nobodyshame #plussize #bopo #fatpositive #plussizefashion #whatfatgirlsactuallywear #loveyourbody #plusisequa

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