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Nigeriana de 5 anos é considerada a nova “garota mais linda do mundo”

Com olhos grandes e cabelos crespos maravilhosos, Jare e as irmãs estão ganhando fama mundial depois que suas fotos viralizaram no Instagram.

Por Ligia Helena
Atualizado em 16 jan 2020, 11h06 - Publicado em 27 jul 2018, 15h02
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O título de “garota mais bonita do mundo” não existe oficialmente, mas de tempos em tempos alguma menina acaba levando essa fama. Em 2007 a francesa Thylane Blondeau ficou conhecida mundialmente por isso, e hoje, com 17 anos, é modelo e porta-voz da L’Oréal Paris. Então com licença, que há uma nova “garota mais bonita do mundo” circulando pela internet. Trata-se da nigeriana Jare Ijalana, de cinco anos.

Jare é uma modelo mirim, assim como as irmãs Joba e Jomiloju. Ela ganhou fama depois que a fotógrafa Mofe Bamuyia publicou algumas fotos dela no Instagram. Na legenda ela diz “sim, ela é humana. Mas também é um anjo”.

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Oh yes she’s human ! She’s also an angel ! “J A R E “ I want to portray the interception between her childhood and adulthood so both stay timeless ! I could have made her smile and make her laugh out loud but I put her in their natural moments for us to see through their eyes ! Posing them as adults ! Was my trick to create it a timeless portrait ! J A R E , when you clock 21 remember to do same pose and style TEAM Muse : @the_j3_sisters Make up by Dammy of @iposhlooks Creative style direction @mofebamuyiwa Hair by @totalshopwigs Hair styled by @hairkarved Styled by @styledbyseun Assisted by @adebimpe_aj @ernest_chuxx @official_bigjosh #bmbstudio #bmbphotography #mofebamuyiwa #kids #kidsphotography #artsy #love #light #childphotographer #familyphotography

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Jare chama a atenção pelos olhos, grandes e expressivos, e pelos cabelos crespos, cheios de volume. Depois do sucesso das fotos de Jare, a fotógrafa compartilhou cliques da irmã mais velha da menina, Jomi, que também é linda.

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Im Glad that we have changed the perception and stereotype that Africa is a dumping ground where hungry african kids are being celebrated ! We also have bright , beautiful , educated children that can be celebrated !!!!!! And ready to change the world LETS CELEBRATE AFRICA . BEAUTIFUL ART WORK OF J O M I of the @the_j3_sisters The elder sister of J A R E When I was a child I always wanted to wear my Mum’s shoes , cloths and do all she did as a woman . I wasn’t afraid of being that woman , though I wasn’t aware , nothing scared me of the cost it would take to be a woman . “I WAS FEARLESS AS A CHILD “ I’m sure every girl has gone through this stage and can totally relate . Meeting Jomi of the @the_j3_sisters Was more inspiring . Asides that she is bright and beautiful , she is very coordinated and every pose directed , she did better than I told her to do . She definitely has buttressed and given me more proof that every little girl dreams of being a woman . I guess was looking for a platform to showcase her inner woman !!! Photography is my little way of expressing my thoughts than in words and so I am not the best curator of my work .

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Na legenda, Mofe diz que está feliz por “mudar a percepção e estereótipo de que a África é um lixão onde crianças famintas são celebradas”. E completa: “Nós também temos crianças brilhantes, lindas e educadas que podem ser celebradas! E prontas para mudar o mundo!”

Incentivada pela fotógrafa, a mãe de Jare, Joba e Jomiloju criou um Instagram para compartilhar fotos das três meninas.

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Beautifully captured by @m12photography

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