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Fotos de barriga chapada no Instagram é truque de postura

Mulheres postam antes e depois de suas fotos com as barrigas chapadas em ação de Body Positive

Por Ana Flavia Monteiro
Atualizado em 20 jan 2020, 21h39 - Publicado em 1 fev 2017, 17h57
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Quem nunca se deparou pela timeline com a foto de uma barriga chapada e ficou se perguntando “como é que essas blogueiras conseguem manter essa forma física?” O que nós não pensamos é que muitas vezes, aquele corpo pode ser resultado de alguns truquinhos de postura, ângulo e luz.

Para pregar a body positivity, essas mulheres resolveram tirar fotos de “antes e depois” com minutos de diferença para mostrar como a  “boa forma física” pode mudar entre uma foto e outra.

“Mesma garota, mesma hora, mesmo dia” 

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Same girl, same day, same time. 💛 Not a before and after. Not a weight loss transformation. Not a diet company promotion. 💛 I am comfortable with my body in both. Neither is more or less worthy. Neither makes me more or less of a human being. Neither invites degrading comments and neither invites sleezy words. 💛 We are so blinded to what a real unposed body looks like and blinded to what beauty is that people would find me less attractive within a 5 second pose switch! How insanely ridiculous is that!? 💛 I love taking these, it helps my mind so much with body dysmorphia and helps me rationalise my negative thoughts. 💛 Don't compare, just live for you. There is no one on this planet who's like you and that's pretty damn amazing don't ya think. The world doesn't need another copy, it needs you. 💛 We are worthy, valid and powerful beyond measure 💙🌟 (If you don't pull your tights up as high as possible are you really human?)

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“Suas gordurinhas são lindas e a razão que nos acreditamos que não são é porque não as vemos na mídia a não ser que seja alguém ridicularizando aquele corpo ou culpando-o por ganhar peso.”

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Your fat rolls are beautiful🙌 ⬆️I made a video about them (link in my bio)⬆️ And the reason we have been lead to believe they aren't is because we don't see them in the media unless someone's being shamed for weight gain or ridiculed for their body. This is NOT the truth and not OK. Having rolls of skin / fat that are soft / squidgy or big / small does not define your beauty. I wanted to show you how my body looks when I'm relaxed and when I'm posing right next to each other so you can see how easy it is to manipulate how a body looks. (I filmed myself doing this for you on my YouTube) As a model in the industry 13years I've seen nearly all the pics chosen of me for lingerie & swimwear shoots are the ones where my stomach looks flattest. Which for a long time lead me to believe that's how I should look. Because even if I did happen to have a few shots where I'm in a position you can see back fat or rolls someone had decided it's more "beautiful" "aspirational" or will inspire more customers to buy the product if those so called "flaws" don't exist. But things are changing I remember the first time I saw curvier models in editorials with their rolls and back fat and I remember the first time I shot with @aerie and they wanted me to not pose but be real and just myself. Then when I saw my first campaign with them and I could see my unretouched body – pics with rolls / back fat I'm not gonna lie I was shocked. That quickly turned into joy because they made me feel good enough and knew that those "flaws" didn't mean I wasn't beautiful in fact showing that their models didn't have to be "flawless" was incredibly empowering. So thank you #AerieReal and everyone who created the movement it's not just game changing but life changing ILY😘 And that's why when I started my insta about 3years ago I created the #everyBODYisbeautiful bc we are more than the sum of our perfections we are all beautiful equal souls living in imperfectly perfect bodies.

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“A foto da direita é minha barriga quando não estou inchada e posando com uma boa postura e a da esquerda é a minha barriga bem inchada após comer uma sobremesa (que valeu muito a pena)”

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I have something to tell you… I have a dessert baby! Haha! 🤣 . ⬅️ On the left is my belly when I'm not bloated & standing with a "tight tummy" or what I call "good posture". . ➡️ On the right is my tummy VERY bloated after eating dessert last night! (It was SO worth it by the way 😃). . Perfection doesn't exist, which is easy to forget when we spend so much of our time on social media being bombarded by "perfect bodies" – or what "appears" to be. . So here's a reminder from me that I bloat.. I also have stretch marks, cellulite and pimples (as you may have seen in previous posts). I'm nowhere near perfect.. and that's fine by me! ☺ . #perfectnever #foodbaby #bloated #emilyskye . . @emilyskyefitness . .

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“Eu 1% do tempo vs. 99% do tempo e eu amo as duas fotos igualmente. Ângulos bons e ruins não mudam seu valor.”

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Me 1% of the time vs. 99% of the time. And I love both photos equally. Good or bad angles don't change your worth ❤️ I recently came across an article talking about how one woman stated she refuses to accept her flaws, because she doesn't see them as flaws at all. I LOVED that because it sends such a powerful message that our belly rolls, cellulite, stretch marks are nothing to apologize for, to be ashamed of, or to be obsessed with getting rid of! As I'm getting older, I have cellulite and stretch marks that aren't going away, and I welcome them. They represent a life fully lived (for 28 years so far :)) and a healthy life and body at that. How can I be mad at my body for perfectly normal "flaws"? This body is strong, can run miles, can lift and squat and push and pull weight around, and it's happy not just because of how it looks, but because of how it feels. So when you approach your journey, I want you to remember these things: I will not punish my body I will fuel it I will challenge it AND I will love it 💗💗💗 If you're following my page, you're a part of helping me spread this message and creating this movement – thank you. #fbggirls #realstagram

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“Muitas mulheres só postam fotos como a da direita e, quando vemos apenas fotos assim, acabamos achando que elas tem o ‘corpo perfeito’ e nós não.” 

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“Mesma mulher, ângulos diferentes. Ao contrário do que a sociedade nos ensina, nosso valor não é medido em quantas dobras na barriga nos temos ou deixamos de ter.”


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